
  • K. O. Dvorschenko НДЛ «Біохімії» відділення біологічних і біомедичних технологій ННЦ «Інститут біології»


The pathological conditions of the upper gastrointestinal tract, which are accompanied by reduced synthesis of hydrochloric acid, may lead to hypergastrinemia, dysbiosis or even gastric tumors. Moreover, long-term hypoacidity evoked by proton pomp inhibitors is the risk factor for acute pancreatitis development or even pancreatic malignization. But common factors and mechanisms of pancreatic structural and functional reorganization upon long-term gastric hypochlorhydria are still poorly understood. Probiotics are widely used for restoration of gastrointestinal tract homeostasis, since they have a broad spectrum of the biological activity. The microelements perform the important physiological role in the organism providing all the vital processes. The microelement composition (V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Cu, Zn and Se) of the rat pancreas tissue with long-term inhibition of gastric acid secretion and upon administration of the multiprobiotic substance was investigated. Experiments were carried out on white non-strain male rats. Hypochlorhydria was induced by 28-day long abdominal omeprazole injection (14 mg/kg once a day). The rats of another group simultaneously with omeprazole were treated with multiprobiotic (0.14 ml/kg per os). Control animals were treated with water: 0.2 ml abdominally + 0.5 ml orally during 28 days. The content of analyzed microelement was determined in pancreatic tissue with method of mass spectrometry. The content of manganese, copper, zinc and selenium were decreased, while the level of vanadium, chromium, iron, and cobalt were increased in the pancreas upon long-term gastric hypochlorhydria. It was shown, that multiprobiotic promotes restoration of the microelement homeostasis in investigated rat’s organ indicating the important role of normal flora in the maintaining of physiological level of studied minerals.

Key words: long-term gastric hypochlorhydria, pancreas, microelements, multiprobiotic.


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